Welcome to my page!
I started seriously writing back in 2012 when my concerns of a power grid failure began to creep into my mind. My concerns festered into a storyline that continued to bug me until I got it on paper. I’ve heard that good writing is like sharing a good secret. It took five years of honing my craft to get the first book out, but it has been fun sharing this secret.
I have always loved to write, even as a kid in elementary school. I still have my first book about a three-headed snake, complete with a Crayola cover stapled together. Several short stories were written in high school and college, but no attempts to be published. College courses in creative writing were taken at Ohio State, but again, another path was chosen. A business degree in Computer Science and Accounting was selected as a more promising road to success. My original career path was in accounting and included the CPA exam, of which I passed two of the four parts. However, I soon found that I was too creative to be an accountant, and I moved to computer programming. My rationale was that creative accountants usually ended up in prison.
My computer consulting career has allowed me to be creative, but I have more passion for my artistic pursuits. During the housing boom leading up to 2008, I did a lot of woodworking and restoring antique furniture. The quiet times of working on the pieces were great; I enjoy my solitude. But the initial interaction with the customer to make the sale was a fun process as well. This is why I do so many book signings in person. I enjoy the conversations and the feedback I receive from these events. I am certainly not an introvert who wants to stay locked away in my writing laboratory weaving my tales!
My other passion is sailing. I have worked on a sailing charter boat in Key West and taken some sailing classes to develop my skills. I have a sailboat in Ohio, and I spend more time aboard each season. A blue water sailboat in the Gulf of Mexico is my next goal, and it feels to be not far away. I pine for the day that writing and sailing consume my life, and hopefully I can take a few readers along in my stories!
I’ve always seen writing as finding my way through a wooded path. With The Cold Winter, it had to be a snowy one! This picture is of an abandoned railroad track that later became a bicycle path near my home in Galena Ohio.