Below are my books. Clicking the book picture will take you to Amazon for the E-Book, Audio-Book and the Paperback. If you’d like a personally signed Paperback, send me an email and we’ll work it out. If you are an Amazon Prime Member, my E-Book is currently available to download for FREE!

The Cold Winter: Battle on the Ohio River
Book 3 of the Cold Winter Grid-Down Series
The Grid is Down.
A VIP upriver needs to be rescued.
Modern Engines can’t be trusted.
To win, the battle must turn unconventional…
And a little Historical.
A modern minuteman militia is operating out of Steubenville Ohio with a VIP to deliver. Their Huey helicopter is grounded so travel is the old-fashioned way on the Ohio River. Then it gets even more old-fashioned. Another militia in Evansville Indiana has the World War 2 LST-325 in their command. Seven hundred miles of river is between them, but the historic battleship is pushing upstream to help. The battles along the Ohio River are finalized in the epic battle on Wheeling Island!

The Cold Winter: Call to Arms
Book 2 of the Cold Winter Grid-Down Series
The power is still out. Help is not coming. More is happening than just a blackout. A coup is in the works. They must fight for the America they know.
As central Ohio families struggle to survive through a snowy blackout, an organized effort to take over the country unfolds around them. A coup plays out against a backdrop of systemic failure, and village residents must band together to stay true to their values while strengthening borders against attackers.
An in-the-know ham radio operator aids the villagers in their defense preparations, and in doing so, uncovers a secret advantage—one that gives them a chance to stop loving in reaction mode. As a call to arms goes out, Ohioans fight back against the attempted takedown of everything they love.
A Call to Arms.

The Cold Winter
Book 1 of the Cold Winter Grid-Down Series
The Niagara Falls grid is down. A snowstorm is coming in. The radio promises normalcy will return soon. Instead, it’s a Cold Winter.
The Niagara Falls grid is down, darkening the Northeast corner of the US. The rest of the country to the south and west have power and travelers jam the roads to get there. They don’t make it. Millions of people are displaced. And there is a snowstorm on its way. The Vesper family lives in a small town in central Ohio. They welcome weary travelers into their home, out of compassion. The radio promises that everything will be back to normal next week. Instead, it’s a Cold Winter.

The Creatures of Holden Beach
Early one spring morning the residents of Holden Beach N.C. find what appear to be two aliens washed up on the beach. Alicia Greengrass, the local movie starlet is home from Hollywood and is first to discover the aliens during a morning stroll. Her cell phone pictures are circulating on Twitter before the police arrive, but the social media frenzy is just getting started. The police soon discover another body on the beach; the local bar owner Gerald Reed has been murdered.
Sheriff Stan Stoney knows the aliens are a well-orchestrated hoax designed to go viral, but the increasing public interest is impeding his murder investigation. The distraction of the aliens is tolerated until the sheriff concludes that the two events appear to be somehow connected. The pranksters must be found, because they may hold a key to solving the crime.
But he knows one thing for certain: The creatures did NOT commit the murder!